What can you expect and how does the process work?
What You Should Know
Step by step-let us walk you through the process
First, we will have a conversation with you to help me understand your needs and formulate the best way to help you with your real estate financing. I will be asking questions about employment, other income, credit, reserve assets, VA eligibility, FHA and other qualifying information. We want to determine which direction to go. As a broker I have access to many, many lenders and my job is to find the best fit for you and your family. In addition, since I am a broker I work for you and am not beholden to any specific institution, so you get the huge advantage of shopping the entire lending marketplace, which means a better product and experience for you.
What's next?
Once we have discussed the particulars of your needs, I will send you a link to our secure portal that allows you to upload documents safely and securely from your computer or smart phone. We do collect quite a bit upfront, but this saves so much time in the process and keeps us from needing item after item later on. This keeps the loan from being delayed as well.
Trust us, you will really appreciate this!
Next is the loan process itself.
We will shop our lender network and decide on a lender and interest rate program that is custom fit to your qualifying information. We will register the loan with the lender and you will get disclosures, loan estimate, and a lock confirmation that you will e-sign to move forward. We will then order the apprasal if needed and submit the loan to underwriting.
Intial loan approval.
The next step is initial loan approval. This is where the lender has reviewed the application and your provided information and approve the loan. They will send us a list of conditions that are usually just clarifying documents that we work with you on to finalize the approval. These can consist of letters of explanation, bank documentation, verifications etc.
Final loan approval
Our favorite three letters are CTC! This is the clear to close. The lender has made a final determination that your loan is approved and they are ready to schedule the signing. This is where you will etiher go into a title office and sign the loan papers or sometimes a mobile notary will come out to you and sign at you location.
Funding and Recording
In a purchase loan this all happens the same day. Typically, we try to do the signing in the morning so you have your keys by evening. In a refinance, there is a three day waiting period between signing and funding in case you change your mind. Once the funding and recording is done, the loan is closed and in the case of a cash out refinance, the money is wired to your bank or available to you as a check.